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MODULES Communicating Across Cultures
Introduction to Cultural Competence
AAPI Demographics
AAPI Medical Traditions
Techniques for Taking a History
Patient Adherence
Communicating Across Cultures


Purpose & Content
As a provider, your job is to make an accurate diagnosis and to recommend a treatment plan that the patient understands and is able and motivated to follow. The first step is to establish rapport with the patient that will enable him/her to speak with you freely and honestly. This is particularly challenging when working with patients whose cultures differ from your own. Providers who recognize that cultural differences have a substantial influence on the quality of the patient-provider relationship will likely have better rapport with their AAPI patients. This session will examine cultural factors that may shape patient-provider interaction and discuss tools and techniques that providers can use to communicate more effectively with AAPI patients.

1. Learn how to create an immediate connection and maintain good rapport with the patient.

2. Learn how beliefs and expectations can influence the therapeutic relationship.

3. Understand important cultural differences in communication styles, both verbal and nonverbal, and how to respond effectively.

4. Learn when and how to use interpreters.




HRSA - Office of Minority Health and Bureau of Primary Health CareManagement Sciences of Health