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MODULES Patient Adherence
Introduction to Cultural Competence
AAPI Demographics
AAPI Medical Traditions
Techniques for Taking a History
Patient Adherence
Communicating Across Cultures


Purpose & Content
A successful clinical outcome depends on getting an accurate history, making a correct diagnosis, and prescribing appropriate treatment. Of course, a successful outcome will not be achieved if the patient does not follow your treatment recommendations. In this session, we examine how we can use our understanding of culture to communicate and negotiate more effectively with patients and ultimately improve patient's adherence to the treatment plans we recommend.

1. Learn how to insure that AAPI patients understand and are motivated to follow your treatment plan.

2. Learn how to work with families to improve patient adherence.

3. Learn how to integrate your knowledge of AAPI culture into the clinical encounter to improve patient management and adherence to prescribed treatment.




HRSA - Office of Minority Health and Bureau of Primary Health CareManagement Sciences of Health