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Integrating Traditional Medicine into a Patient's Treatment Plan

Adherence is always a challenge in medical care. The use of traditional or complementary and alternative medicine potentially complicates that reality. Showing disapproval of the patient's alternative therapies may make the patient believe he must choose either the traditional remedies or to follow your recommended treatment plan. Given this choice, many patients will be more strongly pulled toward their traditional beliefs. Many patients will be relieved to learn that they can follow both forms of treatment. Of course, it is essential for providers to be alert to possible adverse interactions between traditional and Western medicines and to stop patients from employing remedies that are harmful.

The following short pictorial clinical scenarios illustrate an exchange between the provider and patient about the use of traditional forms of treatment. The scenarios were developed from information provided by Zick Mariteragi, a nurse practitioner at Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center in Hawaii. Compare the two versions of each scenario.

What do you think about the ways in which the doctor incorporates the patient's cultural beliefs into patient management and treatment decisions?




HRSA - Office of Minority Health and Bureau of Primary Health CareManagement Sciences of Health