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MODULES Introduction to Cultural Competence
Introduction to Cultural Competence
AAPI Demographics
AAPI Medical Traditions
Techniques for Taking a History
Patient Adherence
Communicating Across Cultures


Purpose & Content
The Institute of Medicine's report "Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Healthcare" focused on clinical encounters and found evidence that stereotyping, biases, and uncertainty on the part of health care providers can contribute to unequal treatment. In fact, there is growing evidence of how important it is for us, as providers, to recognize the value of and respond appropriately to cultural differences. Cultural differences all too often result not only in deficiencies of care but also of health outcomes (Smedley et al. 2003).

1. Explain how cultural competence affects clinical outcomes and health disparities.

2. Recognize how beliefs and values affect the care you provide.




HRSA - Office of Minority Health and Bureau of Primary Health CareManagement Sciences of Health