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Specific Practices continued

Herbal medicine. Chinese herbal medicine is the practice of combining individual herbs into formulas to promote health. There are thousands of herbs that can be used medicinally, but only about 400 are in common use. Although a single herb is sometimes used, combinations of herbs, typically five to 15, are more common. The art of devising an herbal formula is complex and takes years to master. Each herb also has contraindications and specific doses that must be considered. (How alternative medicine can help you: Herbal medicine).

Qigong has been practiced in China for centuries. It is the art of moving qi (vital life energy) through the body using physical movements and mental concentration. Qigong may be used preventively, to promote and preserve health, or it may be practiced in response to specific disorders. Chinese medicine holds that when the body and mind are harmonized through the practice of qigong, qi can be generated, blockages of qi can be released, and health increases. (How alternative medicine can help you: Qigong).

Therapeutic massage. Some Asians use massage with balms and hot objects to stimulate energy flow.

Maria OquendoMaria Oquendo speaks about talking to patients about traditional medicine.

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HRSA - Office of Minority Health and Bureau of Primary Health CareManagement Sciences of Health