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MODULES AAPI Medical Traditions
Introduction to Cultural Competence
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AAPI Medical Traditions
Techniques for Taking a History
Patient Adherence
Communicating Across Cultures


Autopsy. Members of some AAPI subgroups-for example, Asian Indians-are unlikely to give permission for postmortem examinations (Alagiakrishnan and Chopra 2001).

Home care of the dying. It may be important to AAPI elders and their families that the dying be cared for at home, so that traditional rituals can be observed (Alagiakrishnan and Chopra 2001).

Fear of surgery. Some individuals from Asian subgroups influenced by Ayurvedic and Taoist principles are fearful of surgery because it may result in an excess loss of blood, which is believed to disrupt the humoral balance within the body (Kaiser Permanente 1999).

Treating fever. Whereas Westerners believe that a cool bath should be used to bring down a fever, some Asians believe that keeping the patient warm with blankets following the use of an herbal tea will dissipate fever (Chin and Bigby 2003).

Reluctance to have blood drawn. Many Asians believe that blood is not replenished when it is removed from the body; consequently, they are reluctant to have blood drawn (Chin and Bigby 2003).

Sok Man KwongSok Man Kwong speaks about having blood drawn.

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What Asian traditional belief accounts for some Asian patient's fear of surgery?





HRSA - Office of Minority Health and Bureau of Primary Health CareManagement Sciences of Health